336 Productions
A video production company in Costa Mesa, CA making creative and effective videos for brands and organizations.
One of Southern California's premier video production companies, 336 Productions has carved out a name for itself as a top video agency among businesses in the Orange County and Los Angeles area. Their client list includes companies, government agencies, educational institutions, and brands, both large and small. 336 specializes in branded content such as explainers, marketing videos, product demos, educational videos, commercials, about us videos, testimonials, promos, and event videos.
Let’s rewind a bit to discover how 336 came to be…After receiving their degrees in Film and Video Production, Marlowe and Josh dove head first into the commercial and corporate video industry. They began working at video companies in Orange County and Los Angeles, respectively. Josh became an editor and Marlowe, a producer. After several years of honing their skills and learning the business, they turned their attention to making the dream of starting their own business into a reality, and so, in 2008, they created 336 Productions. The name was inspired by the co-founder's first film class together, FEA 336 (read: film and electronic arts) while at California State University, Long Beach.
Since then, 336 Productions has created a reputation for maintaining great interpersonal relationships with clients, while staying true to their craft and always enjoying what they do. They have won over a dozen Telly, W3, and Communicator Awards in recognition of their outstanding work. With a desire to preserve the highest standards on all their projects, 336 Productions forges ahead of the competition using the most advanced production equipment and post-production software. Their work and operations speak for themselves. 336 Productions offers some of today’s most competitive pricing, which is why 336 Productions’ clients feel like they have made a wise investment.No review yetBe the first to write one
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1 service offered by 336 Productions
Description Video ProductionSkills in Video Production (2) Video MarketingInstructional Video
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- Headquarterundefined, undefined, undefined, 92627, US
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