Solid Branding, Queens County | Sortlist
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Solid Branding

Queens County, United States
A next generation agency delivering Brand Strategy, Brand Design and Brand Marketing to clients worldwide.
Solid Branding is a next generation brand agency delivering Brand Strategy, Brand Design and Brand Marketing to clients worldwide thanks to a network of highly talented strategic partners that include senior level resources in a broad variety of disciplines. We help companies launch new brands, build or revitalize existing brands, and manage transitions due to mergers, acquisitions and divestitures. We deliver strategy and brand design work that includes naming, logos, packaging, websites, videos, environmental and event design, product design, advertising, and much more. Ultimately, our goal is to help our clients build differentiated, relevant and sustainable brands by creating vibrant brand experiences across every possible physical and digital brand touchpoint.
4 people in their team
Speaks English
Founded in 2016
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2 services offered by Solid Branding

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  • Description
    Branding & Positioning
    Skills in Branding & Positioning (3)
    Corporate IdentityBrand StrategyBrand Naming

    Learn more about Branding & Positioning

  • Description
    Graphic Identity

    Learn more about Graphic Identity

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4 members in Solid Branding's team

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Contact details of Solid Branding


  • Headquarter3002 39th Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101